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BSS Soundweb London Architect V3.08R2

The latest update to BSS London Architect contains a rather nifty new processing item – an Ethernet Trigger/Table.

For a long time now a little known capability of all London devices has been an ability to store and transmit serial data strings from their rear panel D9 connector. Pretty handy for simple stuff like dropping a screen, recalling lighting presets or toggling projector inputs, and indeed we use some devices at Jands in our boardrooms and training rooms to do just this. Saves us a heap of cash on control systems from the usual suspects, and it could for you too.

This capability has just become a lot more useful with the addition of an Ethernet trigger, as now the London box can send out serial commands over the Ethernet network. From up to 31 control logic inputs each Ethernet Trigger can store and recall up to 144 separate command strings and it can do it in ASCII, HEX, Decimal, Klingon. Ok, not Klingon, just checking you were paying attention.

The object operates over TCP or UDP, each object opens up one socket, and the London device can open up 500 sockets at maximum, some of which will of course be used for normal network traffic to and from the London device, but the rest can all be used for TCP sockets. That's a lot of trigger objects.

A transition from low to high on the Connect input node will cause the London to attempt to create a socket to the provided IP Address, port #, and protocol type (TCP or UDP) specified in the properties of the logic object. The Connected indicator will illuminate when a successful connection has been established (TCP). Messages can now be sent to the device(s). If a connection cannot be made to the specified device, or is broken, the London will automatically retry every 30s to establish a connection as long as the Connect node is held high.

Since we are talking Soundweb, BSS Soundweb London training courses are now CTS certified and attract 8 CTS RU's. BSS Soundweb London Architect training sessions, which also include a module on System Architect, take place, free of charge, monthly at Jands both in Sydney and in Melbourne. We even get lunch. Check out www.jands.com.au and register your interest.


editorial and advertising enquiries > Cat Strom 02 9457 8302 or 0400 825094 or email Cat