the ultimate resource for all venue owners, designers and suppliers
If you have anything to do with a venue from owning one, supplying one or just visiting one, then totalvenue is the site to visit.
Aimed specifically at venue owners and also designers / architects, totalvenue is the ideal way to get your work and products noticed.
Updated most weekdays, totalvenue will see your news spread to thousands of potential clients.
Advertising on the totalvenue site
Why advertise on totalvenue rather than a printed magazine?
1. The cost of advertising on the totalvenue site is noticeably more cost effective than advertising in printed magazines which charge thousands of dollars for one page per issue. To secure a permanent advertisement on the totalvenue site costs only $350 for an entire year.
In economic hard times your first instinct may be to cut down on expenditure but this is exactly the time you need to advertise. The totalvenue site allows you to do so with minimal expenditure. Make sure you get your share of what’s available to be spent!
2. Your information on products, projects and news is always there and is always accessible. No more scrabbling around for past issues of a magazine when you want to show a client something. And think of all those poeple Googling!
3. As an advertiser you can send as much news to the totalvenue site as possible because there is no limit. There is no strict page limitation as in printed magazines.
4. If you’re a designer you know how frustrating it is to see your projects in a printed magazine represented with just the one image. On the totalvenue web site we can host entire galleries to ensure all aspects of your creativity is displayed.
5. We’re all human and make mistakes. In print this can be a big problem however on a web site they can be rectified swiftly and with little fuss. This could be a factual error or maybe a product or company hasn’t been credited for something.
6. Printed magazines take weeks to compile, print and distribute. The totalvenue site takes a few minutes.
7. Printed magazines need high quality, high resolution images and whilst totalvenue will be looking for the best images available, they can be low res and not so ‘picture-perfect’!.
8. As an advertiser you are free to take material from totalvenue for your own site and also to link to applicable totalvenue articles from your own site.
9. It’s kinder on trees.
How will totalvenue generate site visitors?
Through many years in the industry Cat Strom has built up a comprehensive database of email addresses totalling in the thousands. These include venues, venue owners, designers, architects, contractors and suppliers.
Once a fortnight a newsletter detailing the latest postings on the totalvenue site will be emailed to thousands of readers and potential clients.
Receivers of the newsletter will be encouraged to forward it their contacts or database and so the site will grow.